High School
= Front of School
= Staircase
Things to know
Teachers are most likely to respond to emails between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm.
The staircase by the media center (library) is the busiest.
The art classrooms are at the far end of the back hallway (by the gyms) and have a small staircase leading down to them.
There's a courtyard between the cafeteria and the guidance office. You can eat out there, but the doors are sometimes locked (or at least one of them is, usually the one closest to the main hallway).
In the morning enter through the front door farthest to the right and go straight through the second set of doors into the building. If you're late to school or are coming for afterschool activities enter through the door farthest to the left and push the button on the wall next to the door to be buzzed in by the office. Then take a left into the office and sign in.
The music (band and choir) classrooms' doors are in the hallways coming off of the back hallway (choir on the left, band on the right). The drama classroom's door is in the same hallway as the band room.
All classrooms in the academic wing have doors in the hallway in the academic wing, not the main or back hallways.
The media center's (library) door is past the main stairs on the second floor of the academic wing.
Teachers are usually lenient about tardies for the first week or two (because people, especially freshmen, don't know where their classes are), but don't count on it.
Upperclassmen really don't care about what you're doing and aren't going to go out of their way to do something to you. Just don't intentionally do something to them. They all remember what it was like to be a freshman.
If you're lost ask a teacher for directions. If you can't find a teacher, students are usually willing to help.
Tech (laptop repairs and stuff) is in the media center (library).
iCampus is how you check your grades (and lunch fees, transcripts, etc.).
Outlook is how you check your email. https://login.microsoftonline.com/
Cell phones are generally not allowed during class or in the halls during school (between 8:05 and 3:05). They are allowed during lunch (though that may change) and with teacher permission in class (usually for a project).
Clubs want you to join. The classes at CHS are somewhat limited, so join clubs to make up for the lack of classes in subjects you may be interested in. Also, clubs are a great way to find new interests and make friends.
Expectations of you in high school are very different from those in middle school. You're expected to act mature and the teachers/staff won't hold your hand. You have more independence, but with that comes more responsibility. You're automatically given that day 1; don't lose it by doing something you may regret.
Graduation Requirements - Tests
Civics Education Initiative |
Senior year (12th grade)
CPR/Heimlich |
Senior year (12th grade)
Algebra I EOC |
Biology EOC |
English II EOC |
Sophomore year (10th grade) or the year English II is taken
Government EOC |
Junior year (11th grade) or the year Government is taken
Missouri Constitution Test |
Junior year (11th grade) or the year Government is taken
U.S. Constitution Test |
Graduation Requirements - Classes
1 year =
1 credit
1 semester =
0.5 credits
4 credits |
3 credits |
Science (usually first 3 years)
3 credits |
Math (usually the first 2/3 years. Depends on Algebra I in 8th)
1 credit |
1 credit |
1 credit |
Government/Economy (usually junior year/11th grade)
1 credit |
1 credit |
Physical Education (usually freshman year/9th grade)
0.5 credits |
0.5 credits |
0.5 credits |
Speech/Debate (any year)
0.5 credits |
Personal Finance (any year)
8 credits |
Electives (any year)
Advice from Upperclassmen
Your friend group is probably going to change. That's okay, and it's okay if it doesn't too.
Check your emails often! It's how teachers get in contact with you and how information is spread throughout the school.
Join all the activities you can.
Stay out of drama (not the club); It's not worth it.
Fighting isn't worth it. Focus on your schoolwork and enjoy high school.
Finish all of your required classes first.
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
High school isn't as intimidating as you might think.
Keep your grades up. Every year matters and you'll regret letting them drop senior year.
​Be prepared, school isn't consistent. Stuff changes all the time.
CHS Floorplan
Don't be scared of anyone. Just be confident and calm and you'll be fine.
English/Communication Arts (all 4 years)
American History (usually sophomore year/10th grade)
World History​ (usually freshman year/9th grade)
Fine Arts (any year)
Practical Arts (any year)
Health (any year)
8th-grade year or the year Algebra I is taken
Sophomore year (10th grade) or the year Biology is taken
Junior year (11th grade) or the year Government is taken

Academic Wing
Main hallway
Academic Wing
Back Hallway
Ask for help whenever you need it!